Math Links

Hello Parents!

Over the next week your child will be coming home with many algorithms to help with solving addition and subtraction problems. These methods are quite different from the ones that we learned in school, so I attached links to videos for each of them so you will be able to assist with homework as needed. The purpose of teaching them multiple methods is so they can choose the one they like best and use it in years to come. I want to give them to you in advance so you have an opportunity to watch them prior to your child doing their homework.

Hope these help and please let me know if you have any question!

Partial-Sums Addition:

Column Addition:

Counting-Up Subtraction:

Please keep in mind, they will be learning these methods into next week! They will only need Partial-Sums Addition for their weekend homework.


P.S. One more video to come, please look for it next week on Expand-and-Trade Subtraction!


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