
Showing posts from October, 2019

Halloween Breakfast

Hello Parents! We are so close to having all the items we need! Please check out the link below to see what is left if you are able to contribute.  We appreciate your support in celebrating this fun holiday! Thanks! Jessica

Math Links

Hello Parents! Over the next week your child will be coming home with many algorithms to help with solving addition and subtraction problems. These methods are quite different from the ones that we learned in school, so I attached links to videos for each of them so you will be able to assist with homework as needed. The purpose of teaching them multiple methods is so they can choose the one they like best and use it in years to come. I want to give them to you in advance so you have an opportunity to watch them prior to your child doing their homework. Hope these help and please let me know if you have any question! Partial-Sums Addition: Column Addition: Counting-Up Subtraction: Please keep in mind, they will be learning these metho


Please try this link for the Halloween Sign Up! Sorry!

Halloween Breakfast

Hello Parents! Halloween is fast approaching and it's time to start planning our celebration breakfast. The Halloween parade will start about 7:45 and our breakfast will immediately follow if you would like to join us. We plan to be done with breakfast around 9:00 and will continue with a "normal" day from there. If you are able to contribute to our Halloween Breakfast Buffet it would be greatly appreciated. Please use the link below to sign up for something to send in or a volunteer position. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support! Jessica

Spelling Words

Hello Parents! Just wanted to let you know, the day got away from us, and we didn't have time to introduce the new spelling rule for week 8 as we usually do on Fridays. We will do this on Monday instead for this week. Students will not have any spelling homework for the weekend (even though they have it written in their planners). Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience! Jessica P.S. SignUp Genius for Halloween Breakfast to come shortly! Thank you so much for your support!